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Advantages Of Serial Communication Over Parallel Communication

пятница 09 ноября admin 87

Serial and Parallel Comparison Parallel transmission requires a separate channel for each bit to be transmitted. Therefore, to transfer a byte, eight channels will be required between the sender and receiver. Added to these eight are additional channels that are needed for control information and if full duplex communication is required then even more channels would be required. Parallel transmission is rare, other than for very short distances, eg: within a computer, eg: data bus, or between a computer and a printer, eg: Centronics printer interface.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Parallel Data Transmission. The main advantages of parallel transmission over serial transmission are: it is easier to program; and data is sent faster. Although parallel transmission can transfer data faster, it requires more transmission channels than serial transmission.

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Serial transmission is much more common, particularly over longer distances. It is generally much cheaper as only a single channel between sender and receiver is required, eg: The seven bits (plus one parity check bit) making up an American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character are transmitted serially in sequence by the sender and are reassembled into the character by the receiver. A common example of a serial interface standard is Recommended Standard 232 (RS232). Click on this link for an overview of. How to crack irdeto 2 encryption keys for windows.