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Al Qari Plus Software Free Download

воскресенье 23 декабря admin 5

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Al Qari PLUS (Software) Click to enlarge image(s) Publisher: Sound Vision With fantastic recitation, animation and graphics, lessons and practice exercises as well as a great search engine, you'll be on your way to reading and reciting the Quran soon Insha Allah when you use Al-Qari Plus. On this CD-rom, the entire Quran is recorded in pure digital quality (44.1 KHz). Recitation is done by the legendary reciter of the Quran Shaikh Abdul Basit Abdus Samad.

Feb 19, 2013  Al-Qari Plus (Virtual teacher of the Quran) free download Esselamu aleykum, today I want to show you one of the best programs for learning Arabic letter. Rekomendaciya iz armii obrazec. Obligation of every Muslim is to try to learn the Arabic alphabet, with this program it will be much easier.

The last 10 Suras are translated in easy English. Each word of all the last 10 Suras are broken into syllables with transliteration and translation. The program can repetitively play any verse or Surah (chapter) of the Quran for up to 10 times for memorization purposes. Al-Qari Plus is searchable by Ayah, Sura or Juz and offers extremely easy navigation from the Subject Index Menu and Sura Menu. You'll also find 70 lessons and exercises to help you practice what you know. Don't resist getting this necessary tool for beginning your journey towards Quranic success Insha Allah! AuthorBio: Dr.

Ahmed Murad, an Imam and a Ph.D in chemistry, is the manager of Multimedia at Sound Vision. Khalid Khan is a former manager of the computer department at Sound Vision. Abdul Malik Mujahid, an Imam, author, and producer is the president of Sound Vision.