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Cantenna Wifi Calculator

пятница 21 сентября admin 57

Lincomatic's Homebrew WiFi Antennas Lincomatic's Homebrew (DIY) WiFi Antennas One of my latest obsessions is building DIY homebrew WiFi antennas. Heinz Beans Cantenna This is the first antenna I built. It's the ubiquitous circular waveguide 'cantenna': I obtained my can by going to my local 99 Cents Only store and buying a can of Heinz beans, which happened to be desired 3.25' diameter. The resultant methane gas produced from consuming the beans was used to power my soldering iron afterwards. I will not go into the construction details, as they are very well documented on. Finding his online cantenna calculator rather intriguing, I set out to find the mathematical roots to his calculations.

The result is my own, which I wrote in in C++, based on formulae obtained from the Antenna Book. It's available on my; the archive contains both a Win32 console-mode EXE and full source code.

Znaki opasnosti gost vektor in english This calculator is designed to give experimentation data for construction and use of a. This idea is not new and has many names such as shell cell, cantenna,.

In addition, Adam Lesser has kindly supplied a binary for OS-X. Greg Rehm's calculator fixes the operating frequency at Channel 6 (2437MHz), which is the center channel in the USA, giving the best tradeoff if you want to build a general purpose antenna which works across Channels 1-11. 64 bit games free. On the other hand, my calculator lets you tune your antenna for maximum gain on a specific channel; this is handy if you want to use your antenna set up a permanent point to point link. Let's go through an example using my calculator. The syntax of the program is cantenna diameter centerchannel where diameter is in mm.