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Octane Render X64 Based

среда 14 ноября admin 24

Octane Render Ver1.00 Win64 Realtime 3D Rendering Octane Render is the world’s first GPU based, un-biased, physically based renderer. What does that mean?

Octane Cloud Workstation is the world's first turn-key high performance cloud desktop solution specifically designed for streaming high-end 3D graphics applications such as Autodesk 3DS Max and Maya. Use this unlocked AMI, with full admin rights, to stream a Windows based virtual desktop, hosted in the cloud, to a web browser anywhere in the world.

It uses the video card in your computer to render photorealistic results fastreally fast. This allows the user to create stunning works in a fraction of the time of traditional CPU based renderers. Home Site Link:– Or Posts navigation.

Octane Render is a GPU based, un-biased, physically based renderer that supports Blender. It uses the processor in your Nvidia GeForce 8000 (or higher) graphicscard. Octane is priced at €99. Terrence Vergauwen We are proud to announce the availability of the much anticipated v1.0 beta2 version of Octane Render. Some of the new features are the physical daylight system with sun and sky, bump maps, normal maps, opacity/alpha maps, spectral thin film coatings, smooth group support, support for the new Cuda 3.0 system, an improved user interface, many other tweaks and many bugfixes. This release also brings a native version for Mac OS X, and works on Leopard (10.5) and Snow Leopard (10.6), along with 32bit and x64 versions for MS Windows, and a 64bit native linux version.

The website has also been replaced with a new one, with a new gallery full of images rendered with Octane Render to enjoy. Since the developers are Blender fans and use Blender themselves, use of Blender is fully supported through Wavefront OBJ format, and a special extended OBJ export script with additional features like bump map and opacity map export is available for Blender users.

Please note that the software is currently only compatible with Nvidia Geforce 8000 or higher GPUs, however support for ATI GPUs is in development as well. I would buy this right away IF: - ATI cards were supported too - CPU rendering was also supported (otherwise my little rendering cluster is useless) - I knew I can rely on the object format for blender scene export. I dont know how Yafaray or Luxrender for example integrate into blender (they integrate very well I find), but I have had huge problems in my 15 years of 3D with im/exporting through various formats. Dont get me wrong, I really think this is a great product! I am very frustrated right now with all of the rendering enginges for blender (including the 2.5 internal). @anonymous, @Daniel Wray As far as I know, SmallLuxGPU is still in development but yet usable. - uses OpenCL so you can use NVidia and ATI cards - uses GPU/vram for acceleration but rely also on CPU/ram for texture handling which seem problematic with pure-GPU rendering - 'SmallLuxGPU isn’t un-biased, physically based' where do you get this idea from?

From what I understand SLG is using luxrender's physical based engine, even if the lighting model and calibration is not the current priority there is progress every week. - allows texture, bump, normal and alpha maps - allows participating media (volumetrics / fog / light rays) - tightly integrated to blender (+ very interesting perspectives) SLG 1.4 demo: (much new features since this) Octane looks interesting too, but SLG is FLOSS philosophy.

@Senshi: I'm really not into the 'technical stuff', I'm a 3D artist. I mentioned those points cause as the (poor) guy I am I build myself a rendering cluster out of junk parts, all machines have mixed hardware, 32 and 64 bit, ATI and NVIDIA cards, all running linux. Mlp fighting is magic. I just thought if theres gpu rendering, why not on ati cards too?

+ cpu + clustering. As I said I'm very frustrated with current rendering solutions for blender looking forward to ANYTHING better! As soon as they release a linux demo I will check it out for sure. @Senshi OpenCL allows for heterogenous sources: this means GPU + CPU Why do you say ATI rendering would defeat the point?

It's also GPU's used. The only difference is the language used: OpenCL instead of CUDA. It does the exact same thing. It's best to use OpenCL anyway. Because it's a good more generalized, more powerful solution that (here comes the bonus/big selling point) is not proprietary. (Beats CUDA for me, besides, NVidia is working on OpenCL + CUDA anyway. ) @org OpenCL is your solution it not only also allows for other graphic cards then Nvidia, it also allows for GPU + CPU.

(Also enabling cluster computing.) How's about that? @txrx Hold on, CUDA is not more appropriate for octane then OpenCL.

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