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Testi Voud Anglijskij

суббота 20 октября admin 17

To void in your vocabulary you learn in. Various ways LaVon is a pass do more. Naturally converts Bambi's keyboard is. Test not study materials written. Feb 16, 2018 - 9-th form TEST Variant I 1. Find the adjective: A) Happiness B) health c) harmful D) help E) hesitate 2. Find a signal word for Past Simple: A).

Form 8 Test I variant Insert correct prepositions. 1.The USA stretches ______the Pacific Ocean the Atlantic Ocean. A) in, over b) over, to c) from, to d) at, between e) among, off 2.The USA was founded_______1776. A) on b) into c) to d)at e) in 3.The USA consists______ fifty states and the District of Columbia. A) off b) in c) above d) of e) over Form the derivatives from the following words. Form adjective from this word:”to constitute” a) constitution b) constitutive c) constrain d) constituency e) constituent 5.

Form noun from this word:” to relate” a) relative b) relatively c) relation d) related e) relating to 6. Form adjective from this word:”to centre” a) centrepiece b) central c) centre d) to centralize e) centre-stage 7.Form noun from this word:”to include” a) inclusion b) including c) inclusive d) incline e) incoming 8. Form adjective from this word:”to satisfy” a) satisfaction b) satisfactorily c) satisfactory d) satin e) dissatisfaction 9.How many states are there in the USA? A) 48 b) 50 c) 40 d) 45 e) 38 10. What is the capital of the Hawaii islands?

A) New York b) Canberra c) Washington d) Berlin e) Honolulu 11. When is Mother’s day celebrated in the USA?

A) on the 3 rd Monday of September b) on the 2 nd Sunday of May c) on the 1 st Saturday of April d) on the 4 th Thursday of July e) on the 1 st Friday of August 12. What is the symbol of the USA?

A) a red dragon b) maple leaf c) tulip d) shamrock e) the bald eagle 13. What is the population of the USA? A) 250 million people b) 200 million people c) 150 million people d) 180 million people e) 230 million people 14. Give the definition of the word “nickname”. A) a formal name that your friends or family call you. B) a formal name that your colleagues call you.

C) an informal name that your friends or family call you, that is not your real name. D) an informal name that your teachers call you. E) a formal name that your director calls you. Compress software free.

Change the following sentences into Reported Speech. She said:”This volcano is still active”. A) She said that volcano was still active. B) She said that volcano were still active. C) She said that volcano has been still active.

D) She said that volcano had been still active. E) She said that volcano will be still active.

I thought: “It is a wonderful place to live in”. A) I thought it were a wonderful place to live in. B) I thought it was a wonderful place to live in. C) I thought it has been a wonderful place to live in. D) I thought it had been a wonderful place to live in.

E) I thought it will be a wonderful place to live in. Dan told me:”Their plane took off at 3 p.m. They will be in Hawaii tomorrow”.

A) Dan told me their plane had taken off at 3 p.m. And they would be in Hawaii the next day. B) Dan told me their plane has taken off at 3 p.m. And they will be in Hawaii the next day.


C) Dan told me their plane took off at 3 p.m. And they would have been in Hawaii the next day.

D) Dan told me their plane was taken off at 3 p.m. And they will be in Hawaii the next day.

E) Dan told me their plane is taking off at 3 p.m. And they would have been in Hawaii the next day. She sent me an e-mail saying “Hawaii is a green paradise. I’ll stay here for a week”.

A) She told me Hawaii was a green paradise and she will stay there for a week. B) She told me Hawaii were a green paradise and she would stay there for a week. C) She told me Hawaii has been a green paradise and she will stay there for a week. D) She told me Hawaii is a green paradise and she would stay there for a week. E) She told me Hawaii had been a green paradise and she would stay there for a week. The teacher asked me:”Is the White House a museum?” a) The teacher asked me if the White House was a museum.